From the 29th of March on both the women’s and the men’s team will have new training times.
The training takes place at the following times at the Waldstadion Trier (Kockelsbergerweg 23, 54293 Trier):
- Tuesday & Thursday: 6:30pm till 8pm
From the 19th October on both the men and the women team will begin their winter training and thus training times and place will change.
From the upcoming Monday on we will train during the following times:
At the FSV Trier-Tarforst’s artificial grass pitch (Am Trimmelter Hof, 54296 Trier).
After a one year pause, last Saturday, the 12th of July, the Rugby department of the FSV Trier-Tarforst hosted for the fouth time the Charity Touchrugby Tournament. Thanks to almost one hundred participants and dry weather the tourney was a complete success.
From 12am on the ten teams played against each other on the astropitch Tarforst. In order to provide the teams with as much time to play as possible, the “Cup, Plate, Bowl” system was used. Thus, after the group stage all teams are assigned to one of three groups according to their skills and play for the first place in their group.
On 4pm the last match had been played and the victory ceremony could commence. First place in Cup and therefore winner of the tournament was the team Intercrosse. Second and third place in Cup was awarded to The Scorpions and The Untouchables.
In Plate The Spanish Inquisition could secure the first place for themselve and in Bowl the same could be accomplished by Trial by Combat.
We would like to thank all helpers, players, guests and sponsors. Without them there would have never been such a great tournament. As soon as we have calculated the revenues, we will donate all earnings to nestwärme e.V.
On the 12th of July 2014 for the fourth time the Charit Touch Rugby Tournament will take place at the FSV Trier-Tarforst’s astro pitch. All proceeds will be donated for a good cause. This year the social network nestwärme e.V. will receive the tournament’s profit.
The social network nestwärme e.V. supports families with handicaped, critically or terminally ill children. You can find more information about the association under www.nestwaerme.de
What is Touchrugby?
Touchrugby is a variation of rugby which is played without tackling. Therefore everbody can play – amateurs and pros, young and old. The aim of the game is, as in real rugby, to put the ball in the opposing tryzone. Who gets touched by an opposing player has to stand still.
How you can join?
It’s really simple: Just form a team with at least five players and take part in the tourney. Per person there is a entry fee of 5 Euro, which will be donated to nestwärme e.V. To guarantee the fun charakter of the event, only 2 professional rugby players per team are allowed. Of course you will get advice from an experienced rugby player, who will explain you the game and its rules. If you want you can even join one of our normal trainings to prepare for the tournament.
To register and for more information just write an email to: charity@trier-rugby.de
Deadline for registration is the 08th of July 2014
Welcome to the homepage of the Rugby Club Trier (Germany).
Unfortunately the English part of our website is not as up to date and comprehensive as the German part. However, we are always happy about new player or spectators. So feel free to contact us and join us for training and/or games!